There could be a number of causes…
Dirty Filter
Solution: Backwash filter or clean cartridge filters with filter cleaner. If problem persists a filter or sand change may be necessary. Please contact us for assistance.
PH Level Too High
Solution: Test pH and total alkalinity. Add pH down as directed. Adjust as required. (pH down could be muriatic acid or dry acid)
Free Chlorine Low
Solution: Test for chlorine residual and adjust as needed. Pool may require a shock treatment, shock as directed by product labeling.
Backwashing Sand Filter Too Frequently
Solution: Backwash less frequently, only as recommended by filter manufacturers directions. Only backwash based on PSI and not on a timed schedule.
Dissolved Metals In Water
Solution: Use a metal out to control metals in water such as Metal Klear or Revive, prevent staining and scale formation.